Utah Data Center
Location: Saratoga Springs, Utah
Probst Electric was subcontracted to Ludvik Electric to perform over three miles of duct bank installation, medium voltage (MV) conductor/splice/termination installation for highly secure Government installation. This project is similar to the LLNL EEDS project in many ways. Most directly they are related through long distances of MV duct bank and conductor installation. Probst Electric installed 6” – 12 way duct bank. This duct bank included 25 precast manholes for splicing, looping and racking the conductor. This duct bank was concrete encased and reinforced very similarly to how the LLNL EEDS duct bank will be. It had the rebar stirrups and longitudinal supports as well as a 4/0 grounding conductor installed the length of the duct bank. Similar spacers were utilized to achieve the necessary spacing requirements for ducts as well as concrete cover. Much of this duct bank was installed on a significant slope that increased the difficulty of duct bank installation. Probst installed, spliced and terminated parallel 35KV feeders directly from an existing substation to four different facility transformers that stepped voltage down from 35KV to 15KV. From those transformers, Probst installed all the 15KV feeders and terminated them into the facility switchgear lineups.